Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Food Glorious Food

I remember a saying my father used to say, as it was commonly used for most men in terms with food. "The closest way to a mans heart is through his stomach." I like to believe that's true, especially with how happy my parents are when it comes to making certain foods, there was one time I remember and it was on fathers day. My father works a lot, you see hes a med tech at a nursing home so hes move around a lot, my dad and I share taste in foods, like our favorite dishes are chicken. It was a little sad because I forgot it was fathers day, I blame my youth because I was like eight, but one day my dad came home and passed out on the couch. I wanted to thank him for all his hard work and mom talked me into making him a card that said thank you dad for supporting the family and some cute saying that she had that I can't really remember. However, I didn't like the idea of just giving him a card, I wanted something to hit my dad hard and realize how much his son loved him, so I thought back to that saying and made him chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and mac and cheese. (With moms help of course, i'm a bad cook.) But my dad over slept, my mother hid his presents out of anger and sent me to bed, on that night I came out to check up on dad because I couldn't sleep, I don't know why or how I caught him doing this but he was eating in his sleep! He smelled the food in the kitchen and ate all of it, just to wake up finding all of the presents from my mom, my baby sister and I. He woke us all up to thank us and gave us a bunch of kisses until he finally gave us a huge hug, I can still remember the pain it was to tell them I had to go to bed, but I had school. Its interesting, because he didn't notice the cards, yet he still cried, must have been the food, either way I will always love my dad and thank for his hard work. That's what this food memory speaks to me at the very least.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure he was touched by the gesture(s) and maybe he cried because he had slept through it and not been able to make the most of it. I'm sure he's crazy about you.
